Dream…just Dream


“Dream a little dream of me” was sung by Ella Fitzgerald and The Mama’s and the Papa’s. People perk up when someone says, “I had a dream last night.” It’s interesting, and it is mystical. It is deeply personal. Most dreams are not understood but the value is there whether we understand it or not.

Last night I dreamed but woke up to the memory of moving through a dream but no real logic or pictures were coming to me. Crazy how that happens. My dream journal is filled with the dreams I do remember but I was shocked the one morning I woke up to no clear memory of them. I missed the recall. I was disappointed. They have become a constant, like a friend.

They are usually in threes. One transitioning into another and then into the one I remember when I wake up. I write them down from the last to the first because I seem to remember them better that way. I have many months memories recorded in my journal file. They make me laugh and cry. They tell a story, but they also have an indicator light effect.

The gist of them usually show me where angst abides or where I need to practice forgiveness. Some are playful and I am grateful for those. Many, many are going, doing, and trying to make sense or see a pattern frustrates me. I give up doing that, but I do seem to find peace in that so often they point me to being at peace with being me. If I am prompted to take action after reviewing one then I do. Sometimes that means sitting back and meditating or praying about the situation. Sometimes I call or check on the person I had the dreams about, but mostly I smile and send warm thoughts and healing energy to those images so that the realm of angels that know what is needed will deliver whatever is necessary to those involved including myself.

Each night becomes a canvas upon which to paint the most intriguing landscapes and stories. I often look forward to the stories that will be told during the REM state which I am graciously allowed. Now, if only I can feel that same intrigue about the life I awake to and lay down the judgement or my thoughts surrounding how the day must go. I don’t do that to my dreams. Why would I do that to my waking hours? Why not enjoy the mystery! Okay, so dream a new dream. That may apply to the state we find ourselves in daily as well as while asleep. Many thanks to our dreams whether awake or asleep. To all who read this…Dream a little dream…

Pixie Cut or Pixie Dust


Today was a pixie cut kind of day.

Ego may have been involved. I don’t have the knowledge or self-awareness to immediately identify when ego takes hold or attacks. It serves the purpose of defender, or night watchman, Ego seeks safety. It puts up a good front lest people make fun of us, or talk behind our back. It hides behind caution with a spirit of negativity. There is division in its ranks. Ego moves among the masses and is so common that most cannot recognize it. Families split up over it. Communities shut down as churches divide and all in its wake have to recover from the chaos it creates. It is a low resonating energy. The more it is used the bigger it gets like a low burning ember within reach of dry brush.

So where from here? All things new boost the ego from new hair cut, new house, new car, new clothes, new flower garden, new bikes, new gifts, new cellphones, new electronics, new partners, new spouses to new career. Can a boost be okay? I think so. When it lifts our spirits and is used for good. There will always be the ever so slightly indicative thought that will reveal its true motive for self or self-less behavior. It is up to each individual to notice the reason behind actions and goals. Sometimes the boost is needed and restorative. Sometimes it can be life changing like pixie dust. We can all create and spread love like pixie dust.

A pixie cut may be pixie dust! It was for me!