Make it up as you go!

Today was like any other sunny beautiful autumn day. Oh, is it autumn yet? I thought it was, but it is actually 7 days away. I started walking against the wind! It felt divine which is hardly ever the case in OK. Hot and windy is the norm, but today was exceptional. As I stepped into the fourth mile the thought occurred to me to just go ahead and walk the distance around lake Hefner.

I wanted to experience the trip on foot that the author in the book “The “Mentor” took his first time jogging at the lake the day he was released from prison. So I went to my couch to 5k app and hit week 2 up for the 1 minute jogging and 4 minutes walking. Surely I could do that without too much interference. I had no water bottles, no ear buds to listen to tunes or audios. Just my keys, iPhone, and five fingers. There were some water fountains along the south side. I would make sure to drink up before I hit the damn side. The desert as I call it. It is very straight, and the mirage you see is that the other side is visible, but it is just that…on the other side. There is a false sense of close proximity. My pace was good, my thoughts were positive. All was well! I even stopped to chat with a friend I ran into.

Distance has a way of messing with the mind. First my right foot started to go numb. Then it was painful to walk on the asphalt path so I ventured onto the grass until the asphalt was the only choice. I set goals to the next pole or treeline. That kept me busy. I counted the minutes to the next jog. That helped pass the time. 2 hours went by in no time.

I knew I wanted to not be out much longer so I must jog more. And I did. I jogged the next 20 minutes, straight. The back stretch has a much more sparse clientele. It is not easy. I was so tempted to call my friend I had met who jogs the whole lake every weekend. Just, maybe, bring me a water bottle or a snickers. But I didn’t. I was only 30 minutes out.

Jog I did. Felt good. Quit feeling the pain in my right foot so much. I started thinking of drinks I could drink and what I would eat for lunch. I settled for Cool greens. I planned to get lemonade and tea at sonic. It passed the time and when my foot hurt more I would pray for my boys and daughter-in-law. Simple prayer always helps. 2 cars drove by at different intervals and belted out encouragement. “Go girl!” was the first and the second was “Keep Going Women.” I waved. I’m sure I looked slow but I did not feel weak. For that I am thankful.

I passed a lady and made my way to the end of the damn. The cool breeze lifted my spirits. I did think about sitting down near the end but the thought of 1/2 a glass of water in the Toyota kept me hoofing it. I reached the vehicle. Did 13 push-ups off the side of it as my habit is and stretched a bit. Then downed the water. I went to the water hose and rinsed off the dirt from my face and arms, and drank more. Then sat down at the table to finish the stretch. When it was time to go, I had a slight problem. I could barely move. I was sore and had to make my feet and knees work which helped in the scheme of things. They seized up on me.

By the way, Cool Greens has lemonade which is fabulous with the salad, flatbread pizza, tea, and water. Ate it all with no guilt. Drank it all with much ease.

9 miles is a long way but now I will be challenged to do more, faster. Soon I hope!


Wow! It’s now!

Time really flies by! From time to time writing gets pushed to the side. Trying to get back at it takes a focus on what is happening right now! So this moment is filled with interesting events. This weekend is full of bands playing locally for the “Gentlemen of the Road” tour by Mumford and Sons! Here in the backyard! Amazing to live in an area where they would bring their magic! It is a reminder of the greatness of this country. If we can’t attend “Woodstock ” then bring it to us! People camping outside! Can’t make it through town because traffic is at a standstill! Vendors, food, music on every corner. 24/7 feasting and frivolity. A reason to celebrate! A cool band has come to town! For a couple of days time stops and people stop and listen and can’t help but change perspective. Everyone stretches. From publishing the handbill to lodging to campgrounds to food vendors running out of everything and then some. But what a sight and what an energy! You can’t stand still and you can’t run fast enough. Enjoy the pure and simple of the Now! Wow!
